Love the old Dogs of War models and finally Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks are complete, well minus Lumpin's shield but I've lost it so I'll need to make a new one so that's a project for another day.
Lumpin, Ned and his Fighting Cocks are all painted with Non Metallic Metal. The Leather is painted with preshading and glazes and the rest is simple layering and glazing. I found the eyes were really hard to paint, not because of the size but because of the molding or the casts. The eye balls just weren't all that well defined. Other than that they were a pleasure to paint.
I am going to use these guys for Kings of War and 9th age so the basing has taken both into account. It's shown in the picture, the base is slotted for 6 20mm bases in each but designed to fit together in a single design. I'm quite happy with the result but would love your opinion. The larger base is two troop sized units and they are inset with magnets to lock together as a single regiment as well.
I will do another post on the basing, but just for this one there are 75 hand crafted lavender sticks, 20 hand made grass tufts, cork, milliput and greenstuff that has gone into making the base.